Head Judge and coach Chris Harti letting some of the riders know what's up in Tumut! Photos by Tyson JP

Tumut - the picturesque town on the fringes of the Kosciuszko National Park, was host to the 3rd stop in the Youth Adventure Skatepark series of competitions. We're sponsoring and helping to run these events in the form of judging and coaching. It's been so fun to get to these regional towns - it's always refreshing to ride new places and meet new riders who are either brand new, or experienced in BMX. Whether the park is an epic megalithic structure, or basic, I've never had a bad time riding something new.

A few riders from Canberra made the trip across to Tumut for the event, I shot some photos for it below. The next stop is on the 12th of February in Bombala - hope to see you there. Check the schedule for the rest of the stops below and register here to ride in the next one.

- Tyson

Chris Harti coaching tumut bmx bikesChris Harti, coaching hat on, with local rider Mason.

Mason tumut bmx jumpMason hitting the box after some pointers from Chris!

chris harti bmx tumutChris Harti ripping one in between coaching and judging duties..

kydan tumut skateparkAnother young ripper Kydan, stylin' the hip.

tumut bmx skatepark snowy monaroAwards time for some of the crew.

snowy monaro bmx skatepark sashaYoung Sasha ripped into the 1st place position for the under 12s... Big old table!

john graham bmx snowy monaro councilJohn Graham has had a long history of BMX in this region, he's the guy who put this whole comp series together! Epic stuff. He can also fold a table over with the best of em.

Isaac Van De Kamp bmx tailwhip

Isaac Van De Kamp is one heck of a rider - second place in open, and a steezy downside whip for good measure.

Troy Harradine BMX tumut skatepark

Troy Harradine blitzed it in the Tumut comp and took home first place, as well as an invite to the final in Jindabyne! He'll be a real shot to take home $1000 cash in the final for sure.

Tumut bmx winnersThe top 3 in open (with a tie for 3rd..) L - R: John Graham, Troy Harradine, Isaac Van De Kamp & Anthony Hudson.

snowy monaro skatepark series

snowy monaro skatepark series

February 04, 2022 — Tyson Jones-Peni